Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Spiritually Refreshed, Physically Tired

Is it possible to be spiritually refreshed but physically tired? Yes, it is. I had the opportunity to go down to San Diego for the NWLC (National Worship Leader Conference) this past week. The drive down from the Bay Area took about 8+ hours (16+ hours round trip). But the messages, workshops, and worship for the conference were well worth the drive. The first day, our main session speaker was Leonard Sweet who is a distinguished professor and speaker with a huge heart for Jesus (More about Leo)

I wish I could share his entire message with everyone but here is a few points that were really powerful to me. First off, the NWLC is about teaching worship leaders how to lead others in worship. Leo taught me really just how important worship really is. He shared from Matthew 4:9, "All this I will give you," he said, "if you will bow down and worship me."... If Satan was willing to give up the whole earth just to have Jesus bow down and worship him... Then, worship is a very powerful act, one that can change the very world.

Another point that really stuck out to me from Leo's message was the importance of creativity. God is a creator God. If you have attended my HS Sunday School class we have hit this topic many times. God reveals His creation to us through general and special revelation. However, often times, we (the Church) lose what it means to be creative. We (the Church) often get stuck in traditions, bylaws, and ordinances. Let me be first to say there is nothing wrong with any of these things but when the church loses its creativity it loses its power to reach the world for the Gospel. The Church needs to be aware of the culture (its local community). Do you know what are the hottest word trending in our culture right no, its "localvore" and "artisan". To be a "localvore" (think omnivore and herbivore), is to eat local products like farmer's market. To be an "artisan", is to be an artist in the community and have a story to share with buyers like Semifreddi's artisan bread.

So why did I bring all of this fascinating topics up in my blog today? Its because I hope that as a Church we can together better reach others for the sake of Jesus Christ. We (the Church) need to understand the power of worship in our lives and our community. We (the Church) need to understand our culture so we can be a fresh, relevant, and creative body of Christ reaching the world for the Gospel of our Savior (the Savior of the World). I admit I am physically tired and worn out but I am also right now so fired up to share the Gospel. I want my life to be testimony of worshiping and glorifying my Father in Heaven. I hope that you too will join me in giving it all to see God lifted up.

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