Friday, May 10, 2013

In the Beginning was the Word...

The first chapter of John is one of my favorite portions of Scripture. Why? Because, the author begins the Gospel reflecting back to the Creation. The Gospel of John is known for the theme of light, life, and love...the first chapter shares that all things were made through Him, without Him nothing was made that has been made. Thus, all Creation comes from God.

In John, the author uses the word "life" twice and uses the word "light" six times just in the first chapter. All light and life comes from the Creator God. It is through this picture that the author shares that about the Word becoming flesh, Jesus. Using the Creation narrative language, the reader enters into God's story from the beginning in Genesis to the birth of Christ.

As our devotional goes through John, my prayer is that my eyes are opened to witness God's light, life, and love in my life. If I can see just a little more clearly (with God's light), or feel just a little more vitality (with God's life), or share a little more compassion (with God's love)...I will be satisfied knowing that in Him all things are made through Him. I also pray that your eyes be opened to see God's word unfold in your life. Let's start this journey into John, together!

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