Thursday, February 19, 2009

Tears from a Wounded Healer

Its being in love that leaves you most vulnerable
You are free to feel the deepest emotions
And left with nothing but seeking the good of the other
You begin to care more for the one you love, than yourself
So much so that it hurts to see, hear, or feel

But in the core of love is the knowledge that Jesus Christ loves more
More than I could ever love Him, and more than anyone could love
He truly is the greatest love the world has ever known
'He overcame the cross and the grave to find my soul'
So now I live to love Him more and love others more

I dedicate this message to a simple, wise, and joy-filled lady
I put my faith in know that love holds no bounds
I trust and hope in the knowledge that He holds our future
I strain every muscle of my body and cell of my brain to love more

Despite the pain, the struggle, the challenge everyday
I hold on to the Anchor of the Cross and the Tree of His Life
Resting in God is the only way of finding peace from my despair
I must press on to the prize for which has Called Me in His Service...

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