Monday, November 10, 2008

Finding Everlasting Grace

Why do we fight the tears that come? On those days when nothing seems to go right, what do you do, who do you turn to? I have been experiencing a lot of those days right now and not just me but some of my closest and best friends. There are some days when I feel drop dead weary. There are other days when I feel like the whole world is coming down. Yet, somehow, I also know that my Savior lives and His grace washes over me. Some of the hardest and best moments of my week is “being there” for my friends during their darkest times. Oh, “when the oceans rise and thunders roars, I will soar with you above the storm, Father you are King over the flood, I will be still know you are God.”
I hope everyone know that there is a Heavenly King who you can always turn to in your darkest and saddest days. Seek Him always…

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